Tuesday, September 4, 2012

31 Weeks

Wow, what a busy past week and weekend it has been for us. My mom and step dad were visiting for the holiday weekend and we were busy painting the nursery, working on projects around the house, cooking a bunch of food for freezer meals, and watching a few baseball games and fireworks. Overall it was a great time, but I am a bit tired from all of the activity and excitement. I am hoping to catch some restful evenings this week to recharge my battery. Here are my pregnancy updates for the week:

How far along? 31 weeks
Total Weight Gain? 14 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Of course! And I ordered this adorable dress for my baby shower in a few weeks. I hope it fits great :)
Stretch Marks? No and using the stretch mark lotion religiously!
Sleep? Never enough. I could sleep for 10 hours each night if my bladder allowed me to. I love catching naps on the weekend and have been heading to bed by 9:30pm each night.
Best Moment this Week? We had our 30 week doctor appointment and ultrasound on Friday and it was great to see our baby girl again. She has adorable chubby cheeks and is measuring really tall (big surprise when both of her parents are 6 feet tall). The ultrasound kind of shocked me when the doctor said that she is in the 99th percentile for her height.
Miss Anything? I am having a hard time getting comfortable when I sleep and when I sit in certain positions, so I definitely miss being able to move without my preggo belly!
Movement? Yes, she stretches out a lot and sometimes I can feel her do somersaults. I still feel a few good kicks once in awhile but I think she is running out of room in my belly.
Food Cravings? I absolutely love Chick-Fil-A right now!
Anything Making you Queasy? Nope!
Gender? Girl!
Labor Signs? I had my first taste of Braxton Hicks contractions on Sunday night and they were quite painful. I was really surprised how fast they came on and glad when they subsided. I am hoping these don't come too often in the coming weeks.
Belly Button In or Out? It's still in and not changing much.
General Mood? Doing pretty good. I am amazed how fast each day flies by when you fill life with work, taking care of a home, preparing for baby girl, spending time with Michael, and trying to take care of myself. I am hoping to be able to rest the next couple of weeks instead of spending every waking moment on projects on my to-do list. Rest for me equals a better mood for sure!
Symptoms? I have been a little bit more tired at times and definitely needing to take it easy and rest when I can. I still get some pretty wicked heartburn and can be a bit itchy at times. Oh, and the Braxton Hicks contractions and back pain are not pleasant either. :(
Looking Forward To? My amazing mom, mother-in-law, and best friend are throwing me a shower in a few weeks and I can't wait to see all of my family and friends and celebrate baby girl's soon arrival with all of the people I love.

With September here and Summer almost over, I am really starting to focus on transitioning into the final months of this pregnancy and emotionally prepare myself for all that is to come. I pray each night for the guidance to stay focused on what is important and remind myself that all that really matters is the miracle growing inside of me. I look forward to the last few months of my alone time and look forward to the days and years ahead with our daughter.

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