Sunday, February 10, 2013

Tips and Tricks to Make Life Easier

I have been back to work for about 3 weeks and the transition has had its good moments and not so good moments. I could have never imagined how much I would miss Olivia during my work day. It has been good for me to get back into a routine and back to work, but it sure makes life a bit crazy. Over the past few months, I have found some great tips and tricks for myself and our family that sure make life easier.

Wunderlist is a great app for the iPhone that my husband and I share for our to do lists. It is so much easier to upload the 'honey do list' to this app and then Michael can check things off as he gets them done. The app also lets you keep your own personal to do list, which has come in handy for me.
PostalPix is a photo ordering app for the iPhone that allows you to order prints straight from your phone. It is super easy to pick photos from your camera phone and photo stream albums and then they are mailed directly to you for a great price. The ability to quickly order photo prints in a variety of sizes has been a great way to print photos without having to leave my house or buy an expensive photo printer. is an easy to use financial website that allows you to keep track of all of your accounts in one place. In our household we have several accounts including our mortgage, car loans, investments, retirement, and savings for Olivia. This app and website allows you to keep track of everything in one place. There are also features you can utilize such as creating a monthly budget, tracking your investments, setting financial goals, and finding ways to save money. This app has been great for Michael and I to use and helps keep us on financial track with little to no time and effort.

Other tips and tricks that we have implemented in our house over the past few months have included:
  • cooking meals in double batches to allow for leftovers and food for lunches
  • setting the timer for one hour and seeing how much cleaning and chores we can accomplish
  • sorting the mail daily to avoid a buildup of paperwork
  • tackle laundry every other day to avoid a massive pileup
  • order birthday gifts online with free shipping codes
  • clip coupons and meal plan around the weekly grocery ad
  • and use every app possible on my iPhone to save me time, money, and energy!
Life is only going to get busier and feel crazier the older Olivia gets, but my hope is that we have plenty of time saving tricks in place so that we can spend as much time with her as possible. It is also important for me to feel less stressed and more focused on her, and these things are just a few ways to help me do that!

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