Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy 25th!

Today is my 25th birthday and I am saying a Happy Birthday to myself! I can hardly believe that the past year has flown by and here I am at a quarter of a century today. When I started this blog, I wanted a way to track my goals and challenges and document my journey to 25. I have enjoyed every step of the journey and this blog is like a diary that I can reflect back on days, weeks, and months from now. Even though I did not achieve all 25 challenges, the growth and learning that I have experienced for myself far outweighs the number of challenges achieved. I can look back on the challenges/goals that I did achieve with a huge sense of pride and a joy in how truly blessed my life is. I am looking forward to celebrating the big 25 in Vegas this weekend and I look forward to documenting the next chapter of my life. Now that I have reached my birthday, I will be changing up my blog... changing the title and the format and will start documenting life in a different way. Instead of focusing on achieving challenges and goals (which of course I will still do), I want to focus on the joys of life and the happiness that can be found in everyday. I look forward to starting a new chapter in my life and celebrating the blessings around me. I look forward to enjoying my birthday and can't wait to celebrate another year of my life!

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