Sunday, May 16, 2010

Never Feels Like Enough

I have always been a frugal person and a super saver. I was able to save over $15,000 before the age of 22 and purchased our first home at the age of 23.... all things I am proud of! I also started saving for retirement at age 18 and have consistently been contributing to retirement since then. Even though I have over $8,000 saved in retirement, it never feels like enough! I set a very high goal of $15,000 saved in retirement before the age of 25, and I feel like that goal may be out of reach. I plan on continuing my savings plan but I also have a small amount of debt to pay off and an emergency savings fund to fully fund to a year of expenses. Even though I never feel like there will be enough money saved in retirement, I just have to keep trucking away at meeting my savings goals!

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