Saturday, September 14, 2013

10 Months Old

Our little girl turned 10 months old this week and is full blown walking! She took her first steps at right around 9 months and has really taken off in the past few weeks. She has pretty much stopped crawling and now just walks wherever she would like to go. I do love this stage where her walking is a fun mixture of a drunken baby and a zombie... nice and wobbly! Olivia has changed so much in the last month and is more of a toddler than a baby. My heart breaks to think that my little girl is no longer so little but I am so excited for the changes and stages ahead. 

Olivia is still a pretty good eater and has become quite fond of Cheerios. She loves sitting in her high chair and munching away. Her favorite toy lately has been her blocks, she loves stacking them up and then knocking them down. And sleeping is still not great... she co-sleeps with us and then cat naps throughout the day. Maybe she will love sleep next year... 

Here are a few pictures in her 10 month onesie...

Olivia standing in her room... love her eyes looking up at me
this is her favorite expression right now, usually happens when she is surprised
The summer has come to an end but we had so much fun taking Olivia to the GJ Rockies baseball games, to swim lessons and the pool, and on nice long walks in our neighborhood. The next season of Fall will bring about some fun memories... Olivia's first Halloween, cute new fall clothes, pictures in a pile of leaves, and so much more! Here are a few cute pictures of Olivia from the past few weeks...

Olivia during bath time... love her cheeks in this picture
Olivia's first pair of shoes... she looks so grown up in this picture
To my sweet daughter... you are growing up fast and I am trying to soak in every moment with you while you are still little. I love seeing you learn to walk and explore your world. You are so smart and amaze me each and every day. I love you sugar and always will!

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